From Dreams to Reality
Everyone watches Dreams but very fewer people make it a Reality. Everyone told that we should watch Dreams because Dreams are the starting point of success. But the problem was that no one told how to make our Dreams into a Reality. That's why I'm writing this blog to give you a clear picture of your journey of it.DREAMS ARE NOT WHAT YOU SEE AFTER SLEEPING, DREAMS ARE THOSE THAT DO NOT LET YOU SLEEP.From going from Dreams to Reality you have to first convert your Dreams into Goals. And Goals Should be with number and date. You can use the technique of SMART before writing your Goals.
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Achiveble
R- Realastic
T- Time BoundThis means that Goals should be Specific (Uncommon), Measurable (that can be measured), Achievable (Potential to Achieve), Realistic (Should be real) and Time Bounded(Time Limit).
After making your Goals, you have to make your plan to achieve your goals. Rightly said that motivation starts you going. It doesn't keep you going. That's where the plan comes in. If you don't have a plan then you can't be disciplined.
Sometimes we find a problem in writing Plan. If this situation arises then you should find out what's holding you back, why are you not able to write a Plan. Do you don't have expertise? Figure that out. You don't have a mentor? You don't have money? Don't have a partnership? Don't have peer support?
Analyze yourself and find out the answer. Always remember the one and only thing that will stop you, from fulfilling your dreams is, You. If you want to do something different then you will have to be someone different first.
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